Testimony About the Anointing

I would like to give a testimony about my oldest son and the power of Gods anointing.

MY son and I have always had a special relationship. We love each other very much. I had very little contact with him while I was incarcerated. But he could hardly wait for the day I would come home. It was his plan to be there the day I got released. He couldn't be there the exact day but within three week after I had gotten home he forsook all his obligations in Florida; job, bills, etc. and came to Oklahoma to see me. When he got here he wasn't ready for the changes which had taken place in my life because I had surrender to God's will. He didn't really know anything about the Lord, because I didn't teach him. Children are a product of their raising. Without going into detail the visit ended badly, after a few choice words he parted returning to Florida. He called and apologized for his behavior and over the course of this past year we have had a very distant relationship as we have slowly tried to repair the breech.

Due to my belief in the anointing he has poured out through me into the pages of this book, and feeling directed by the Lord, I sent him a copy of one of the proof copies of "Daydreams and Night Visions" before it was ever released. To my amazement he was very excited about the prospect of reading it. We where in close contact as we traced it through the mail and right up until he received it. Then nothing! Days went by and I hadn't heard anything. I felt as though he may have read it and thought; "Ya, he really has lost it!" And about that time I received this email;

I've read all of the parts but the poems, starting of them today. You amaze me dad. You really are serious about this, lately I've been kind of lost mission you, trying to find myself and looking for advice. I've realized that I am identical to a man you once knew (the old you). Long story short you're book really moved me dad. I am so proud of you. I will try to be more open minded on the religious thing. Surely you could help me. I love you so much. Thank you.

In the short time that has past since 12/28/11 ,the day I received this email, until now 1/7/12 there has been even more progress as the Lord tugs on his heart. He has taken the first steps toward receiving Christ as his savior. If this can happen to me and to my son, there truly isn't anyone the Lord can't reach.

Blessings, Charles Henley

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